"Turn back to God (metanoia), for the Kingdom of Heaven will soon be here!" Jesus in Matthew 4:17
Metanoia (μετάνοια) - a complete transformation of who we are into the image of who God is. A spiritual conversion of mind, heart, and life that can only be brought about by the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners
Jesus in ISAIAH 61:1
Welcome fellow truth seeker.
It is for you and I that Jesus came to this world some 2000 years ago. To the spiritually blind, poor, and broken-hearted, prisoners of darkness
masquerading as light.
With this resource we'd like to challenge, motivate, and equip you to question all your current beliefs around truth (is there truly such a thing as my truth and your truth?), God (do all roads actually lead to the same God?) Jesus (was He really merely a great moral teacher, avatar, or myth?), and the Bible (was it really written by men to oppress women?).
"There are none so blind as those who will not see, none who are as deaf as those who do not want to hear.”
Before you explore anything presented here, we ask you to be honest with yourself if your heart is in any way biased, if you've already made up your mind in some way or another.
Is there maybe something about Christianity, or religion in general, that has hurt you or disappointed you in the past? Have you been told, directly or indirectly, that religion is for superstitious or less-than-intelligent people? Have you been raised in a Christian or religious household and not seen any good fruit, perhaps even the opposite? Have you bought into the lie that all religions are basically the same, teach the same thing? Or that religion is the sole cause of war and division in this world? Have you seen hurt people hurt people, in the name of Jesus?
If so, the only honest way to engage with the content of these pages, is to be open to the possibility that there is a reason for this, and that not all is as it seems.
Consider, for a moment, the possibility that all you've been told about Christianity/religion, from your upbringing, from the world around you, may not have been the truth.
Consider, just consider, that it is possible, that if Christ truly is who He says He is (God in the flesh), that there is an enemy prowling out there, who does not want you to believe this, and does everything in his power to keep you away from Jesus & the Bible.
"What if I was to tell you that the public misrepresentation of Christ and the Bible have all been part of a spiritual battle that began aeons ago and has rippled down the ages until our own day and will do so beyond until the end of this age? What if I was then to tell you that the reason for all the bad stuff in this world — war, violence, conflict, disease, geophysical and meteorological catastrophes (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, global temperature changes. etc.), inequality, fractured relationships, greed, selfishness, narcissism, hardness of heart, and even death itself — goes right back to a rupture which took place between the Creator of this cosmos and human beings?
What if I was to tell you that the reason why [they] want you to think that Christ and the Bible are outmoded mythical nonsense is so that you will not discover who He really is and what the Bible really teaches?" (Alan Morrison)
We are not asking you to believe - we are asking you to temporarily put your current perceptions on hold, just for the possibility that God wants to show you something you've never seen before.
Something He can only show you - if you come before Him with an open mind, an open heart, and open hands.....
1. Truth
2. Jesus is God
4. Performed Miracles (coming soon)
5. Empty tomb
6. Eye witnesses to the resurrected Jesus
7. Jesus changed the world forever
8. Unbelievers converted to believers in the blink of an eye to this very day (testimonies)
9. Jesus claimed to be God. Liar, lunatic, or Lord?
12. One problem; sin
14. Born again
16, God: not 'what' but 'Who'!
17. Hell - real or not? (coming soon)
18. The gospel
21. Most Common Questions & Objections
22. From salvation to Selfation - the rise of the new age one world religion (coming soon)
23. Counterfeit Jesus' (coming soon)
Dear reader, do you imagine there could possibly be anything more important in this life than to know the God who lovingly created you and sustains you moment by moment?
Knowing loving and delighting in God, is what you were made for.
There is inside of your heart an infinite emptiness, that can only be satisfied by
an infinite God.
No created (finite) thing will ever do.
If you are here reading this, it is because deep down you know this, and nothing else has ever been able to quench that divine thirst, curb that holy appetite.
You have probably tried, done, and believed many things by now. Spirituality. Health. Wealth. Knowledge and education. Relationship (and another and another). Travel. Hedonism. Virtue. Success. Art. You name it.
All had a hint of truth and provided a measure of satisfaction.
You've likely been piecing together patches of 'truths', from many different people places paths & philosophies, resulting in a creative, colorful, uniquely tailored to you patchwork that has helped you navigate life in many ways....
And yet there forever remains this still small voice, hidden beneath the noise of workshops, guru's, philosophies, tools, therapies, methods, readings, rituals, and practices, calling out to you.
Calling you by name.
Am I wrong?
Have you found what your soul longs more for than anything else in life?
Then by all means, stop reading.
But if your heart testifies that these things are true.....
this website is for you.
“Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord.”
― J.I. Packer
Dear reader, do you imagine there could possible be anything more important in this life than to know the God who lovingly created you and sustains you moment by moment?
Knowing loving and delighting in God, is what you were made for.
There is inside of your heart an infinite emptiness, that can only be satisfied by an infinite God.
No created (finite) thing will ever do.
If you are here reading this, it is because deep down you know this, and nothing nothing else has ever been able to quench that divine thirst, curb that holy appetite.
You have probably tried, done, and believed many things by now. Spirituality. Health. Wealth. Knowledge and education. Relationship (and another and another). Travel. Hedonism. Virtue. Success. Art. You name it.
All had a hint of truth and provided a measure of satisfaction.
You've likely been piecing together patches of 'truths', from many different people places paths & philosophies, resulting in a creative, colorful, uniquely tailored to you patchwork that has helped you navigate life in many ways....
And yet there forever remains this still small voice, hidden beneath the noise of workshops, guru's, philosophies, tools, therapies, methods, rituals, and practises, calling out to you.
Calling you by name.
Am I wrong?
Have you found what your soul longs more for than anything else in life?
Then by all means, stop reading.
But if your heart testifies that what I'm saying is true..... this website is for you.
"Willing to appear openly to those who seek Him with all their heart, and to be hidden from those who flee from Him with all their heart, God so regulates the knowledge of Himself that He has given indications of Himself, which are visible to those who seek Him and not to those who do not seek Him. There is enough light for those to see who only desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition." - Blaise Pascal
On this website, we will lay a foundation of evidence - both natural and supernatural - that the Biblical account of Jesus is historically accurate and reliable, but evidence has never saved anyone (spiritually).
While the evidence is important (as true faith is not blind), no amount of evidence can pierce a hardened heart.
Truth is a personal Being, not cold hard facts.
If there is even the slightest chance that God is not an impersonal 'force' or some other purely metaphysical and unknown concept, is more than our own individualized mystical experiences.... isn't it worth considering? Isn't it worth to not mock the possibility? Isn't it worth it reaching out to Him, asking for forgiveness if it truly does turn out that we have turned our backs towards Him all our lives?
"Blaise Pascal makes it clear that the evidence for God is not the issue. Instead, the issue is with the desires of the human heart. To put it another way, the problem is not with God; the problem is with us.
According to Pascal, the evidence for God will have a different result depending on the heart of the person. Those who seek God with all their heart will see the evidence and believe. Those who flee God with all their heart will also see the evidence but will not believe. It’s not an evidence issue; it’s a heart issue.
Pascal’s ideas find support in both the Old and New Testaments. Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah to the children of Israel, God says, “You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13).
So ask yourself this. With all your current conceptions of God....
do you know God personally?
Do you know God intimately? As more than a concept,
as more than a force or agent of higher power?
Do you know His heart, His personality, His name?
Can you rightly call Him, Father?
Are you truly and wholly satisfied worshipping an unknown (esoteric/metaphysical/conceptual) God?
If you are, look no further.
But if there is anything in you that yearns for true intimacy with your Maker, the One who lovingly formed you in your mother's womb, has held you in His hand all the days of your life, and who has loved you so much that He made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down His own life, so that you may have life, and have life eternally, in His presence, then please keep reading, and when you're done reading.... ask Him whether or not these things shared here are the truth, the one and only, life saving and life giving, truth.